
Solution Suite Cloud is the perfect way to stay on top of your practice or business from any location. Your laptop or PC is connected securely via a VPN to your BTCSoftware database.

Occasionally, your computer may locally drop the connection, but don’t worry – this is easily resolved with our quick demonstration video:

You will be able to identify this issue by the message “It was not possible to connect to your SQL Server database…”. The dialogue offers the choice of Retry, Edit Location, or Close. Before proceeding within the software, you will need to reconnect the VPN within your computer’s settings. Open the Network & Internet settings screen from your taskbar, then choose VPN from the menu. If your VPN is disconnected, you will see “BTCHub” but no “connected” status. Click on the VPN and click Connect. Return to BTCSoftware and choose Retry, then log in when prompted.

About Solution Suite Cloud

Our cloud accounting software service hosts your database on a UK-based Amazon secure data centre. With no need to worry about investing in and maintaining your own server, you can be assured that your data is safe. You can access your cloud database from any computer running BTCSoftware Solution Suite with an internet connection. The VPN is a key part of Solution Suite Cloud’s security and allows only you and your authorised users to access your server.

Talk to us

If you’re not using Solution Suite Cloud but want to find out more about this secure, flexible database option, please get in touch on 0345 241 5030 or email

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